Saturday, January 06, 2007

Free time!

Gabe and Jonathan are in Erie, Pennsylvania this weekend. I have no responsibilities. I'm not feeding anyone but myself. When I do an errand, I only have to haul one (well, ok, two) people out of the car - no bending over the toddler car seat and pulling him out, too! I can do three or four errands in a row without having a fussy toddler to worry about. I can sleep in as long as I want to!!!! There is no one calling my name, no one needing me to do something for them, no one expecting anything of me. Why did I not appreciate this back when I was in college??? :)

Don't get me wrong - I love my husband and my son and wouldn't trade them for anything. But this is the first time in at least three years that I haven't been responsible for anyone other than myself - and frankly, it is really nice!

Yesterday after I took them to the airport, I got to spend some quality time with Jessica, without constantly checking to make sure Jonathan was playing nicely and not eating thing he shouldn't. Then home to lie down, read a good book, and nap for two hours. Then I cleaned the house up a bit because I wanted to, and then went out to do some errands in the evening. Bedtime was odd without Gabe...but it was still a very nice day!

This morning I didn't wake up until quarter to nine. I can't remember the last time I got to do that!! And I still made it out the door by 9am, which is an impossible feat if you're getting yourself and a toddler out the door. After a chiropractic appointment, I treated myself to a haircut and manicure at COBA Academy (lovely people, cheap prices), then read my book during lunch before attending Sarah Pletcher (now Winfrey)'s wedding. And now home, enjoying the silence, reading my book, blogging, and soon an early bedtime.

I feel slightly guilty to be enjoying this so much. But I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't. :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I think I'm a little jealous. :-) I think the longest stretch of time I have been on my own at home in the past almost five years is only four or five hours. I did have one day where I was out of the house alone for 14 or 15 hours... is it sad that I can remember this? lol

I'm glad you got some rest and enjoyed your free time!