The newest member of our family was born at 12:30am on February 10th. He was born in the hospital, which wasn't exactly our original plan, but it was a successful VBAC anyway. I'm planning to write the birth story at some point (when I'm not so tired, maybe?) ;) but until then, here are some pictures to tide you all over. :)

Thomas Nathanael

Jonathan thinks Thomas is ... interesting. :)

Our amazing, wonderful, terrific, incredible midwife.

Sleepy boy. This amazing child actually sleeps without being held in my arms (unlike another infant I knew!) :)
When he's awake, he's very alert and loves to look at our faces. Isn't he perfect?
Praise the Lord! He is beautiful.
Oh Emily, he's beautiful and perfect. I want to meet him!
So beautiful!
Congratulations, Emily.
Yay! He's beautiful, thanks for posting the pictures. I hope you are feeling a little less tired soon. :-)
So what were the stats? He looks like a little guy, but it is so hard to tell from the pictures.
And congratulations on the successful VBAC!!
Thomas is a sweet little one, you and your family look so proud, as you should be!
We've been thinking and parying for you for awhile now, so good to hear everything went well for you!
Thomas was born the day before my birthday, I turned 37 this year, WOW!
Many blessing to this young man!
Heather Owens
So gorgeous! Wow!
The baby doesn't look bad, either. ;)
Gabe, Emily, Jonathan and Nathaniel-
How wonderful to all be together...good job with a successful VBAC Em!!! I cannot wait to meet him!
Hi Em!!
Thanks for posting the pictures!!
I'm just plain the luckiest guy in the world! The cutest 1.5 year old and the cutest newborn in the world are both my nephews!!
I can't wait to see him in March!
Love you,
P.S. By the way, I now have my own blog. :) Check out :) I don't post very often (I haven't had internet access for a while) but it is pretty fun!
Oh yay! I second everything that's been said ... he's beautiful. I hope I get to meet him soon. :)
Nice... Good job. I'll let you know as soon as I know what to call him.
What a cutie! And may the sleeping continue (my 2nd was that way - and what a blessing sleep is!!!)
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Congratulations!
Oh, he IS! He's perfect, and beautiful! Oh, Emily, good job, Mama.
For the record, I know Jonathan probably looks to you like he aged two full years between when you left and when you got back, but he's still a little guy. You know, just for a perspective check. (And he is so precious, and so beautiful, looking in on his little brother!)
Give both of your babies kisses for me!!
Congratulations, Emily and Gabe!
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