Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Life really IS beautiful

Today has been a perfectly lovely day. Aside from a few items which were added in a fit of overestimation of the hours available, everything on my list is completed. Not only that, but completed in a reasonable amount of time, without allowing myself to be side tracked by such odious inventions as the computer (yes, please note that I am only NOW blogging!)

And the completed list is only a tiny part of why the day is so lovely. On top of that, the house is clean. You all have permission to drop by. Tonight. Not tomorrow, please, for tomorrow it will have (somehow!) magically returned to it’s former state. But tonight the dishes are done, the house is picked up, the FLOOR IS CLEAR, my desk is – well, um, we won’t talk about my desk, ok?

Jonathan and I went for a lovely long walk today, all the way to the post office and Walmart. Hurrah for exercise! It had the added benefit of allowing me to do almost all my “little bits and pieces” shopping – you know the things that accumulate over a few weeks and which you can’t get at the grocery store? And I stopped at Kohl’s on the way back to try on jeans. This almost ruined my day, but it was salvaged by the happy thought that designers are probably not mothers, and thus do not have the needed experience to know how to fit a mommy body. So. There. :)

This afternoon a technician came out (earlier than they said he’d come) to install something on our air conditioner, and Jonathan and I were presentable and so was the house. He even carried his ladder through from the front door to the patio door, and didn’t trip on anything.

After that Jonathan and I took a blanket outside to the tiny patch of grass and tree outside our front door. I settled in with a book to enjoy the sun and breeze, and he took off, puffed apple cracker in hand, to explore his world. His knees will never be the same, I fear, and his face is dirtier than it has ever been, but he sure had a good time! Who knew that leaves could be so entertaining? Now if only I could convince him that they are not good to eat.

A nice side effect of all this exploration is that he wanted a nap – thus this opportunity to play on the computer. And I don’t even have to feel guilty about it, because there is not one single (reasonable) thing that I need to be doing right now!

*happy sigh*

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Wow! What a productive day! I wish my neighborhood were in walking distance of more handy shopping.