Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Energy conversions

Today has been a very frustrating day…and I think I just figured out why.

I woke up this morning after a fantastic night’s sleep, full of energy and ready to go. I laid great plans to do all the chores I’ve been putting off doing: sweep and mop floors, clean the high chair, scrub the sink, vacuum, etc. But I’d hardly got a decent start on it all before Jonathan became Fussy Central.

So all that “must clean the house” energy got rather sharply diverted into “must hold the baby” energy. Somehow it just didn’t convert well.

I think Jonathan must be in the midst of another growth spurt, or something, because he’s been all out of kilter for a few days. Crazy naps that last over two hours some days, and days (like today) when it’s hard to get him to stay asleep for more than 45 minutes even though he’s desperately tired. And crying jags over (seemingly) absolutely nothing that last far longer than I’d expect. Poor kid. I suppose this is as hard on him as it is on me!

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