Saturday, November 28, 2009


I took Jonathan shopping with me last week, and we picked up a present for Daddy. I discussed with him very seriously that this was a present, a secret, and we had to be sure not to tell Daddy about it. He informed me that he was four years old and could keep a secret.

Then on Thursday, all the Black Friday ads came. While Gabe was flipping through them, Jonathan came across the Target ad (which included a picture of said present). Jonathan threw himself across it and said "Daddy, Daddy, you can't look because that is your present!!"

On Friday, Gabe took the boys out shopping. In the store, they passed a display of the same item, and Jonathan, eyes wide, cried out "Oh, Daddy, don't look, it's your present!"

Isn't it amazing how a child's mind works? He still thinks that the secret is safe. After all, he's four, and he can keep secrets now!

(I was reminded to blog about this when I read Ma Torg's post on the same subject.)

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