Thursday, June 07, 2007

Make believe

Jonathan is really blossoming in his ability to make believe. Today, when I came to get him after his morning quiet time, this is what I found:

He informed me that he was changing the bear's diaper and his clothes. Then once I let him out of his room, he picked up the bear and headed for the swing. This is one well-taken-care-of bear! It makes me happy to see him mimicking how we care for him and for Thomas in his play.

One more picture because it is just too cute. This morning Jonathan requested that Thomas "take a nap with me". Aren't they sweet?


Rachel said...

So cute!

I knew it was time to get Lucy a doll when I found her cuddling and burping a DVD box.

Dy said...

Oh, sweet doesn't even begin to describe them!! Just look at them! Oh, Emily, you're so very blessed. I love that period, and those sizes. Well, I've loved them at each stage. And I'm enjoying being able to enjoy yours vicariously now. :-)

Amber said...

How cute! I love that age where you start seeing some evidence of the detailed inner workings of their little minds. :-)