Monday, January 25, 2010

Socks and shoes

This morning I asked Jonathan and Thomas to get their socks and shoes on. A moment later I found Josiah at my knee, holding up his own pair of socks for me to put on him. I knew he was understanding more and more, but that was unexpected! Hurray for little ones learning!


Meg McElwee said...

oh, how fun is that! i can't wait for the day!

Amber said...

Isn't it amazing how much they can understand before they can speak? I'm amazed at that more and more with each child.

Elena Johnston said...

It's so different, too, when it's your third or fourth, because they're constantly learning stuff you never would have thought to try to teach them.

So. Much. Fun.

Chris said...

Hey Emily! How are you guys doing? Miss you all! Especially those cute nephews of mine! :)