Thursday, November 16, 2006


I really, really, really love my son.

We've spent the morning so far pretty much just relaxing (due to a pretty tired mom!) and it has been lovely. Lots of building towers with blocks, and pounding on pegboards, and tickles and kisses and hugs and helping fold laundry (did you know that the kitchen towels go on the bottom shelf of the changing table? Jonathan is quite adamant that they do.)

It has been really good to spend time just looking at him - holding him close and watching him laugh with delight - remembering just how very much I love him.

This past week he was sort of put on a back burner. There was so much going on that it really wasn't possible to spend much time really paying attention to him. His basic needs were met, and thankfully he was amazingly flexible with all the upset in his life. I think God was gracious to us all in helping Jonathan be so flexible...he spent most of his afternoon naps sleeping in my arms in the hospital lobby...this is not normal for my son! Anyway, now that we're home I'm finding that what I want (even more than a cleared desk or a clean kitchen!) is just to spend some time connecting with him.

And we have. And he is wonderful.

He just came over to ask for my attention - he found some baby pictures in a magazine, and they're so cool they just must be shared. :)

1 comment:

Dy said...

This post really made me smile, from the heart. {{hugs}}
