Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Two weeks ago I happened to sit next to a pregnant woman in church. I hadn't met her before, but we exchanged handshakes during the peace, and chatted for a few minutes about her duedate and how Jonathan was know, mommy talk. ;) In the course of that three minute conversation, she asked if I could use baby boy clothes, as her coming child is a girl, and she was going to give the boy clothes from her first child away to Goodwill. I said yes, please, but didn't really think that it would happen. Things like that often get said and then forgotten, you know?

But last Sunday there she was with a HUGE sack of baby clothes. Seriously, there are hundreds of dollars worth of clothes in that bag. And she just gave it to me. She said she was glad to give it to someone, rather than just to a charity.

The amazing thing is that this happened just as I was wondering what I was going to dress Jonathan in once he finished outgrowing all his clothes. Which he is doing right now. Silly us, we forgot to budget for baby clothes...but they must be bought!

It is amazing to me how God blesses us in such immediate response to our worries and needs. It is hard for me to trust him for our daily bread...but he provides so abundantly when I do.


Libby said...

Yay! I love hearing stories like that, about how God is always working and providing for us. Thanks for sharing it!

Amber said...

That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing that story, it gladdened my heart.