Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reading fun

Katrina over at Callapidder Days (don't you just love that name?) is hosting the "Spring Reading Thing" - which is exactly what it sounds like. If you like reading, head on over there and get involved! Get some good ideas (I already have; check out last fall's "Fall Into Reading" if you don't know where to start) and then share your own reading plans. Last fall I didn't participate on my blog, but I read a few of the books that were read and recommended, and they were very good. (If you're wondering, they were "Jewel" by Bret Lott, and "The Quotidian Mysteries" by Kathleen Norris.)

I'll be thinking about my own list for this spring and sharing it in a few days. And if I lose my resolution somewhere in the newborn fog, and forget to post, someone please remind me, ok?

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