Monday, December 03, 2007

As promised

Results from our photo shoot!

This is what happens when you ask a recalictrant toddler to sit next to his brother and look cute.

Occasionally he held still for a moment:

But not often.

After awhile we just decided to work with what we had and let him run and jump!

But when you have an amazing photographer (and he is really good!) every now and then you get the perfect ones:


Jenn said...

Wow, those are great! Thanks for sharing :).

sarah marie said...

What beautiful pictures! These are really fabulous! How can I get copies for framing? :) I need photos of my sibs and nephews to adorn my bookshelves!

Amber said...

Wow, what fantastic pictures!! Your photographer really did a great job. Last Christmas we did pictures w/ my brother (one of his many freelance hats is as a photographer) and it is not an easy task! We did get a few really great pictures though.

Anonymous said...

I've gone back several times to look at these... they are truly wonderful. My favorite (if a favorite is even possible) is the action photo (fifth one down). Aunt Sharan

arabesque said...

oh my...those are BEAUTIFUL pictures....yeay for Daniel! :) Thank you so much for sharing!

Jen said...

How funny! I looked at those and said to myself, "That looks like Dan Peckham's work." Then I saw the name of the photographer and was confused at why anyone who knows him would use anyone else ;) Then I clicked the link and saw that that is his company. Bravo Dan! What great memories to have, Em!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures--the photographer did a great job capturing the personality of your family. I think the frowning/moving pictures are fantastic. ~Allegra