I decided they needed some help seeing the proper potential of a rainy day! So I bundled them up in boots and coats, herded them outdoors against their will, and then surprised them all by running past them, dancing in circles like a crazy person, and splashing them with puddle water. Wheeeee!! That's what you do in the rain, boys!
Of course they forgot all about being "cold, wet, and miserable"*, and we caught raindrops on our tongues, and then had a grand water fight and I got entirely soaked.
Then when we were all tired and cold we came inside for hot chocolate.
Yep. That's what you're supposed to do on a rainy day.
*Jonathan is reading this over my shoulder and insists "I did not forget! Add 'except for Jonathan!' "
Well done, Emily! What fun :).
And to Jonathan: I think the pictures say otherwise! It certainly looks like you had fun. ;)
I hope you remembered the tradition of singing "Me Father was the Keeper" before serving your "grog"!
I love it!! What good memories they shall have!
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