At two years old, Josiah is definitely aware of his own preferences, and often gives decided voice to them. Which only makes it sweeter to hear "oh tay" when he's asked to do something! Not that the words are always followed with the desired action, but hey, it's a start!
Since Josiah was a baby, I've been singing "Baby Mine" to him as a lullaby. He requests it every night when we put him to bed, and also whenever he gets hurt or feels in need of comfort. He's learned to sing the opening three notes and words, and sings it to comfort his brothers, along with gentle pats, if they get hurt and cry.
Along with empathy, Siah's imagination is really developing. He enjoys creating interesting recipes in his little kitchen, and considers it hysterically funny to put the pans in the fridge and the food on the burners. He's getting interested in dressing up, especially as a fire fighter. Recently we acquired a baby doll (for use with Lullaby Slings) and Josiah enjoys carrying her around, patting her back, and saying "po baby".
He does the same thing with his stuffed Elmo toy. Can you see it in the picture? We gave it to him for Christmas, after he saw the same toy in cousin Eva's possession. Josiah calls it "Eva Elmo" and it is much beloved.
Siah, darlin', you're much beloved, too.
I loved this post. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Where did Baby go? WOW, he's just as cute as ever, but growing, growing, growing! They do that. Still. I always find it delightful. Thank you, for sharing with us.
Awww... there's Eva's Elmo. Too cute!
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