Friday, December 18, 2009

Early morning workout: attempted

I got up early this morning, utterly determined to get my workout in before the children got up and my busy day started.

The dvd didn't work. Stuck, stutter, stuck. Close all other programs. Stutter. Restart the computer and try again. Stutter, stuck.

Do you know how much harder it is to make yourself work out hard for twenty minutes without Jillian telling you what to do and do not stop?

Hard enough that I didn't do it.

The appraiser comes in five minutes (please pray that our house appraises for enough to allow us to refinance!) and the house is clean, the kids are playing happily and I've had a shower, and we are all well fed with pancakes and applesauce.

I'm glad I got up early.

*update* The appraiser has come and gone. The kids are outside playing and I just tried turning Jillian on again, just to be SURE it didn't work...

It worked.

Maybe my dvd player is just messed up - but I have to wonder if perhaps God wanted my morning to go a little more smoothly!

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